Hey AGi32 users, you are a creative bunch. If you find yourself working from home but not all that busy, try a little Woodshedding! Hone your AGi32 skills by creating something unusual, or tweak a real project to make it more, shall we say “to your liking”. Then send some images to me (dave@agi32.com) and I’ll find a way to share your work in this blog.
To inspire you, have a look at the images below from one of your favorite AGi32 support tech’s, Doug Ross. Of course, I accused him of needing to get busy on real work, but you gotta hand it to him, he really is a creative guy.
This is like M.C Escher meets AGi32!

The curious nature of these images (look at the reflections in the raytrace) becomes more evident when you see what the model actually looks like.

The renderings only look “proper” when the View Properties are perfect.

OK, so let’s see whatcha got! Head to the Woodshed!
If you don’t know what Woodshedding means, see the previous blog post from guest author Jack O’Hanlon!