One of our talented AGi32 users, Mr. Rob Pullin MIES of Work Light Pty Ltd in Australia took a stab at a lighting concept for an iconic structure. What he says in reference to “days gone by” and the original Dos-based version of AGI made me smile.
“I took your advice in some quiet times to do some ‘woodshedding’ and had a play at relighting the much admired Mies van de Rohe -Farnsworth House. (I hope he doesn’t mind).”
“Had a play with reflections and even caught a glimpse of Lilith from days gone by. Speaking of which, I’m sure I’ve still got my old dos disc’s (AGI) somewhere, if I find them I will send a pic. Coincidentally, I was talking to a young engineer who commented that I knew my way around AGI and when I explained that I had been using it since dos he looked both dumbfounded and horrified at once.”