Shaun Fillion, LC Educator IALD, is an award-winning lighting designer and educator. Fillion is Program Director for the Masters of Professional Studies in Lighting Design program at the New York School of Interior Design (NYSID), as well as Lighting Studio Manager at RAB Lighting. Fillion has received Illumination awards, the IESNA Section Service Award and the Princess Grace Award. He has presented seminars at LightFair International, LEDucation and the IES National Conference on topics including lighting and media, wireless technologies, and light pollution. Fillion volunteers as vice chair of the IES Progress Committee, and serves as a member of the Libraries and Residential RP Committees. Fillion serves on the board of managers for the IES New York City Chapter, and as adviser to the Student Lighting Competition Committee.
Prior to his architectural lighting career, Shaun designed lighting for theatre and film, receiving the Fabergé Award for design from the Princess Grace Foundation in 2004. He holds an MFA in Lighting Design and Integrated Media from the California Institute of the Arts, and a BFA in theatre (with a minor in mathematics and computer science) from New York University.